Monday, July 13, 2009

A Recent Event

Garet and I did a birthing class this past Saturday and it was actually good:) That may have a negative tone to it, but I really did expect some complaining out of him. Our choices were a once a week, two hour long class, that lasted six weeks OR…the class we chose, which was one day for eight hours. Garet opted for the one day class. He was surprisingly willing to participate with me (he was going to participate either way, I’m just glad it wasn’t like pulling teeth!!). I’m not saying that he’s the type of guy that doesn’t get involved, because that isn’t true either. I just don’t know how many guys are willing to go to a class that has nothing to do with their body, watch somewhat traumatic videos, and try hard not to fall asleep for the length of a day in a tiny, cold, unfamiliar room, all out of support for their wife. Our instructor had been teaching the class for 13 years and was entertaining to say the least. She really knew how to involve everyone and keep the pace going. We ended the day by taking a tour of the hospital. That part relieved a little anxiety for Garet. He wanted to feel prepared and know where to go when it’s “time”. Soooo…we’re getting closer! I’m really excited and it was good to get a tiny glimpse of some events that MAY (or may not) occur. 7 ½ weeks to go!

1 comment:

Cassi said...

That's so awesome! Way to be a great husband garet! It really makes such a huge difference when you have a willing ad supportive husband. You're so close!