We're please to announce the arrival of Ali Marie
Milligan! I'm so excited that she's here with us...finally! I was very anxious at the end of my pregnancy and am just so happy that she's here now.

Here we are at the hospital, getting ready to check in. This is at 9:00am on Sunday and I had been having contractions since 7:00pm the night before.
Garet's parents are
waiting for little Ali to get here

She made it after 3 hours of pushing! She was 8lbs even and 20 inches long

Garet and his mom meeting the new baby

The proud new daddy

AJ made it to town on Tuesday to meet little Ali

Finally home

Ali got the meet the rest of her family...Sammy and Bella

It's been great being a new mommy

She is a little bit jaundice, so she has to lay on this light. It's heartbreaking not to be able to hold her. She should be done soon though.
I know I keep leaving comments, but I just love my sis, my Garet, and baby Ali so very much!! I can't wait to officially meet her. I don't know if I'm going to make it until November.. Maybe I can sneak a trip in between. Luff you lots!!
Darn that jaundice! She's adorable though! Can't wait to meet her!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How the heck are you standing there smiling before you checked in lol. I was about to strangle someone. Isn't it the craziest feeling when they put her on your chest!! It just all becomes so real! She is so precious!!! Look at her lips!!!
Congratulations!! We are so excited to meet our new cousin Ali in November! You guys are great parents I bet. We are so excited for you! We love you! See you on Thanksgiving!
The Popes
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